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Prayer group "Saint Silouane"

To gather people who share the same spirit inherited the saint starets Silouane and transmitted by the Sophrony archimandrite. To make known this spiritual treasure most largely possible. This double movement animates since 1993 Saint-Silouane association Athonite. The annual conference and the publication of "Buisson Ardent" (Saint-Silouane Books) are each autumn two achievements privileged.

In our area of Avignon, we are several to receive like guide and inspirer this "doctor apostolic and prophetic of the Church and the Christian people" (act of canonization, November 1987) which is holy Silouane and to turn us towards him to put to us at his school. The idea thus had just launched - as that exists in various other places - a local incarnation of this filiation where, in a spirit of prayer, a shared reception and an implementation of the word of "Saint Silouane" are tested in our personal existences.

Because its writings dissuade us to deliver to us to a simple cultural reading, without that printing a "form" with our life. The objectives is to support a personal change, a transformation of the heart, to contribute to emergence of each one of the spiritual state to which these writings testify, while putting to us at listening above all the spirit which inspires them and the intelligence of the heart to their comprehension opens to us.

Saint Silouane

Avignon group

It meets five Saturdays per annum, in middle of day (of 10h with 15h). The figure even of the starets, "saint without borders" if it is, and its universal reception divert us of any exclusion. This is why this group is a place of meeting between Christians of ages, mediums and denominational memberships different, provided that they wish food together this "something" around the writings of Silouane saint. We test thus there and express there us, without relativism nor interdenominational syncretism, this "oecumenism of the holiness" of which each one can test the urgency.

The form

Us start with invocation constantly repeated of Name of Jesus, this prayer for world whole lived with tears by saint Silouane and whose Sophrony father says that it is a "state" in which one sees and saw all humanity like only one Man, like his own life. We follow the practice of founded theSaint-Jean-Baptiste monastery in Maldon (GB) by the Sophrony archimandrite: a person, relayed by another at the end of a chain, pronounces the prayer of Jesus aloud while the others are linked there internally in silence. This during nearly one hour and half.

Then we put ourselves together at listening word starets so as to let to us touch by the spirit of its words and introduce into the spiritual state where it remained. And it is well starting from the point where the words join the spiritual route and the questions of each one which we can then exchange freely and simply, in a climate of respect and sobriety. Finally the meal, moment of relaxation and user-friendliness, is shared on the spot. We share at it what each one prepared and brought.

For more information, contact
Guillaume or Muriel Pic

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